Me and my weirdos are so happy to see you snooping around. Please, go on.

Things you really need to know:

If you're noticing some changes in the shop's management...

...well, it's because I'm trying new ways to manage my prints sales: I'm looking for the best possible way to give y'all the highest quality while keeping enough time for myself to create new pieces.
Please, remember that this is a one-person business, I'm the only soul behind every little thing you see and it can be very overwhelming sometimes, so I'm always looking for the smartest way to keep everything under control.
Goal is to make y'all happy without losing my mind :)

So I decided to switch to time-limited drops; the editions will still be also number-limited, a bit smaller, like 50/75 pieces - more valuable, but each new drop will be available only for 5 days.

I also started to collaborate with a high top quality print space.
Guys, the prints they create, JUST WOW, they're simply stunning.
Be aware that, if I'm working with them, they'll also pack&ship for me, this means the prints will be with you WAY sooner than usual and will also be digitally numbered and signed.
Now, this is a collaboration I'd like to keep going with, but for the next months I'll be back packing and shipping myself, testing the time-limited drops thing.

Every other changes about prints management will be explained here.

Last thing, you may notice some variations in the shipping price, that's just because it keeps changing for me too.
I wish it wasn't that expensive, but it is, and since I already pay almost the double of the price you see, when it raises too much I have to raise it a bit too, I hope you understand.

I'm on a podcast!

Yes I am! I had the incredible honor to be invited as a guest to "Myartisreal" podcast! You'll find me on episode 13, where I had a beautyful chat with Jacob about my background and things.


My email, for EVERYTHING you may need. I always answer.

FAQ y'all usually ask me on Instagram:

(and for which you usually wait up to two weeks cause I'm so slow answering messages. Here they are, ready to be read with no annoying waitings)

  • Can I get a tattoo out of your already-made committed artworks (not the small flash ones that are up for sale specifically to be a tattoo)? I'm SO honored that you want to get a tattoo of one of my weirdos! Good news, you can! I'd love just one thing in return: BUY SOMETHING! Show you're unconditional love to these misfits and buy them! (I'm serious, I have to pay a lot of bills). I tried to get a tattoo-permission section in my shop, but Italy is bureaucratically impossible and I just can't, so if you want to support me, I'd be eternally grateful. I mean it. Oh and remember to give credit and keep the design recognizable. Also, would you mind sharing your tats once they're done and tag me? Seeing that could really make my day.
  • Why your flash tattoo ideas are available for more than one person (seven, to be precise)? At first I was super sure that I wanted them to be one of a kind flash designs, but then I spent some thoughts about that (my mum helped with that, thank you mum) and I changed my mind. Here’s why:
  1. First, I’m poor. I’m always broke ‘cause running a small business is amazing, but also
    tough and doesn’t always pay back. My taxes tho, they’re always there, knocking at my door, and they won’t hear a reason. Since so many of you asked about the same designs, I felt it wouldn’t be that bad to make a few of them available, instead of just one. I spent from one to two hours on each of those designs.
  2. Y’all have had my weirdos tattooed since the beginning (you’re amazing, thank you), so I guess many of you might have chosen the same design as your favorite, so. I’m sure there are already many of you with the same design out there (thank you again, I’m so honored about that).
  3. Third, you're so many and so all over the world, that just one seemed too little. You might never meet the other beautiful humans (always taking for granted that all of them will be bought, and that’s not for sure) with the same design as yours. And if it happens, well, I’d be very amazed, and it would be an astonishing coincidence.
  4. Last but not least, I'm not tattooing them personally, so every one of them will be made with a different style that will make them kinda different from each other.
    They might not be completely unique, but they’ll surely have their own uniqueness.
  • What if my package arrives damaged/empty?

Unfortunately it may happens that packages arrive damaged or sometimes even empty. Don't worry, here's what you need to do:

  1. First thing first, take photos of the tube and the print. As many as you can and with the damages well displayed. This will help me getting a refund from the courier.
  2. Reach out to me with an email, telling me what happened and with the photos you took attached. I'll take it from there.
  3. Just wait for the new package to arrive. I'll send it to you with the next planned shipment.

I check my email every day, so I usually respond within 24/48 hours.

Worst thing that can happen is that you ordered the last print of that limited edition so I don't have another one to replace it, cause the edition ran out. I hope that'll never happen, but in that case I'll replace it with other print/s of the same value, of your choice and send you hugs to make it less painful.

  • Can you track my order? Yes and no: yes, if you chose the EXPRESS shipment at the checkout, but in that case you receive your tracking code once I shipped the order. No problem with helping you with that, if you need, tho. No, if you chose the STANDARD shipment. It goes with postal service and ours is untrackable. You just need to trust the postman and patiently wait. I know, it sucks.
  • Do you take commissions? I just take a few, small and easy tattoo commissions from time to time. Even tho I'd love to make everyone happy (yes, I'm a people pleaser), it's really hard for me drawing something for others, cause I usually put my day to day life, my emotions and my weird ideas in my artworks and stopping that flow to draw for someone other than me feels almost painful right now. Also, my brain can be a beach sometimes, if it’s not COMPLETELY into an idea it won’t work. It really won’t. I would be sitting in front of a blank (or even started) sheet of paper, staring into the void and wandering somewhere in my mind…for hours. I’m deadly serious. It’s ADHD. With
    that being said, if you’re DYING to tell me your idea cause you’re sure it’s the greatest in the world or you’re just so in love with my art that you can’t live without it, give it a try. Who knows, I’m so random nothing is impossible, so hit the button right up this one and send me a long, detailed email about your idea. Although I don’t like commissioned work that much, I’d love to be on CDs and books’ covers, or creating something weird for a weird tale. Just write me, we’ll see. And thank you for loving my disegnetti.

Boring but necessary policies:

Come on, have a look. What are you waiting for?

Terrifying policies

Sara Fasolin

via Roma, 10/C

37064 Povegliano veronese VR


P.IVA 04844200230